Enrichigo Help Center
Help · Campaign Builder · Layout
The layout setup
The layout section is the most advanced part when creating a campaign. This is where you design your campaign.
The builder has three important elements:
The layout form
The layout form is placed on the left side of the screen as a sidebar. This is where all the fields for the content are placed and where you edit everything.
In the form fields, you will edit :
The label field is a text-based element where you can write labels for the content. Labels are often text for button elements.
The title field is a text-based element where you can write titles for the content. Titles can include a special tag, “%br%”, that indicates that the text has to break into a new line. Titles are often headlines for the content.
The description field is a textarea element where you can write content. Descriptions can sometimes include a special tag, “%br%”, that indicates that the text has to break into a new line. Descriptions are often sublines or form text.
Font picker
The font picker is a dropdown where you can change the text’s font family. In the dropdown, you will find 100 different kinds of font families. The font picker is located in different kinds of places. It is a good idea only to use two other font families on the campaign.
Font size
The font size is a range slider where you can change the size of the text. You can use the “range slider” to drag to a higher or lower number, or you can type in the text box a number. We have made default minimum and maximum values, so you can’t use any number.
Text align
The text-align element is a dropdown with four options. The “Default” will align the text to the left, as will the “Left”. The “Center” option will align the text in the middle, while the “Right” option will align the text to the right.
A style element is a multi-checkbox option. Here you can add “Bold”, “Italic”, “Uppercase”, “Underline” to the text.
A hover element is an option used on buttons and form fields. Hover means when the user moves the mouse over a button or a form field. This element allows you to change the available fields in hover mode.
Color picker
The color picker is an element that allows you to change colors, for example, titles, labels, descriptions, buttons, or form fields. To use it, drag the circles to the desired colors. There are three predefined colors. Transparent, black and white.
The border element allows you to change the frame color, width, and style on form fields, icons, or images. The dropdown shows three types.
Rounded corners
The rounded corners element allows you to make the contents frame round. The element is often used to round the button’s radius, so it is not square.
The spacing element allows you to make space inside the content or the button. You can give space on the left, right, top, and bottom.
The distance element allows you to make space outside the content or the button. You can give distance on the left, right, top, and bottom.
Vertical align
The vertical-align element allows you to place the content in 4 positions. “Default” is the position at the top, and “Top”. “Middle” positions the content in the middle, whereas ” Bottom ” places the content at the bottom.
Horizontal align
The horizontal align element allows you to place the content in 4 positions. “Center” positions the content in the middle, whereas “End” place the content at the bottom. “Default” is the position on the left, and “Start”.
The image element allows you to upload your image to be used in the content. Click the “Upload image” button and select your image. After this, the builder will place your image into the area on the form field and the campaign content to the right. After the image is uploaded, you can “scale” the image up and down on the range slider (grey bar), and drag the image “up, down, left or right” inside the white framed border.
Library icons
The icon library allows you to select more than 12.000 icons and add them to your scratchcard. You can search for an icon for the “Filter by the name”. Click on the icon in the grey box, and it will be added to the scratch card. You have to add minimum 5 icons or maximum 9 icons to the scratchcard. To remove an icon, click the black circle with the cross below the grey box.
To see a “winner” response, click the “Winner” button. To see a “loser,” click the “Loser” button.
Library images
The image library allows you to upload your images to the scratchcard. Drag your images into the grey box or use the button “Browse files”. You have to add minimum 5 images or maximum 9 images to the scratchcard. To remove an image, click the black circle with the cross below the grey box.
To see a “winner” response, click the “Winner” button. To see a “loser,” click the “Loser” button.
The form element allows you to style the form and remove elements. You can add the “Name” field as it is not required. The “Acceptance” has to be filled out. To create your link, use “%link-start%” and at the end of the word, “%link-end%”. In the last field, you place the link to the term page.
Example: %link-start%terms%link-end%
Change template
In every section of the navigation, you have the option to change templates. At the end of the formula, you will see a button “Change template”. If you click the button, it will “Reset” your content and show you the premade templates. If you don’t save the page, your content is the same.
Template / Custom
In every section of the navigation, you have the option to use a template or create your content from default settings.
To use a template, click on the template box, and it will add the content and show you the fields so you can customize the template to your needs.
To build your layout, click the “Create now” button on the “Custom” tab.
The layout navigation
The layout navigation is placed on the right side of the screen as a top bar. This is where all the links to different parts of the content are placed.
This is where you find :
Button / Teaser
The button area where you see the campaign teaser is the first element the visitors engage.
The scratch area is where you create the layout for the “cover” and the “result” for the scratchcard game.
The response area is where you create the content for the winner and loser after they have completed the game. This is where you show what they can get instead, like a discount code.
The signup area is where the visitor fills out the formula to get a discount code or just to signup for the newsletter. This is where you can integrate with an email marketing system like Drip, Mailchimp, or Campaign Monitor.
The success area is the last step the visitor is shown. This is often where the discount code or a message about what happens next is shown.
The layout content
The layout content is placed on the right side of the screen and below the layout navigation. This is where you see your campaign, and the content is changed when you edit fields in the form area.