Enrichigo Help Center

How does Enrichigo work?

Enrichigo is a gamification popup system where you can design campaigns that aim for different goals. Goals could be to strengthen visitors’ commitmentincrease sales or leads, increase the brand’s knowledge, or gain more subscriptions to e-mail lists.

In Enrichigo, you can design your campaigns from scratch

With our builder, you can create your campaigns from default settings to customize everything from colors, fonts, sizes, backgrounds, and much more.

Trigger and display your campaign with the suitable options

We added options so you can choose when to show your campaign, what days it should be visible, to where notifications are sent when visitors signup.

Integrations to e-mail marketing systems

At the moment, we have three integrations. MailchimpDrip, and Campaign Monitor. We have guides on how to integrate them into your campaigns.

Simple snippet code that integrates to live website

To add Enrichigo to your website, you must copy a snippet code and place it in your header HTML.
