Enrichigo Help Center


In the article, we will describe the terms used in the campaign overview section.

Campaign Name

The first element is the campaign name. It is only used for your own sake. It should be named something related to the campaign content.

Campaign Views

The next element is the campaign views. Views are the number of unique visitors that sees your campaign on your website. The example above has 36 views; compared with last week, it is 100% better. 

Campaign Conversions

The next element is the campaign conversions. Conversions are the number of visitors that fills out the formula in your campaign. The example above has been one conversion compared with last week; it is 100% better. 

Campaign Status

The next element is the campaign status. Status can be green, meaning that the campaign is active and live on the website, or it can be grey, which means it is inactive and not visible on the website.

Campaign links

The next element is the campaign links. On each campaign, you can see “Analytics”, “Edit” or “Delete”. Analytics is a page with data on the selected campaign. The Edit link will guide you to the campaign builder to change the content. The Delete link will delete the campaign.
